How does rebel access to natural resources affect conflict? “How“. Not “if“. That is the question investigated by Päivi Lujala of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, recently published in the Journal of Peace Research. Or rather: Where previous research has either suggested a link or sought to explain it by an indirect effect…
Month: October 2010
How many people can live on Planet Earth? Watch this BBC documentary!
Whether you’re discussing water resources, food security, climate change, migration, developing countries or pretty much any geopolitical or human ecological topic there is one other topic often avoided: Overpopulation. Watch this 58 minute BBC documentary on YouTube. Regarding “Ecowar relevance” the following parts are especially interesting. 14 min: Value of ecosystem services Doug Hamilton, International…
A Crude Awakening (four years late)
Predating the first post at this present blog by about 13 months in 2006 the documentary A Crude Awakening warned of the implications of oil soon running out. From Wikipedia’s section “Findings”, my emphasis: overall conclusions were that a global peak was imminent (if not already occurring), more wars would be fought to control access…