It’s COP24 times, so…
The New Zealand military is preparing.
Climate change will be one of the greatest security challenges for New Zealand Defence in the coming decades […] The links between climate change are indirect but demonstrable … [the impacts] will require more humanitarian assistance, and disaster relief, stability operations and search and rescue missions.
The Center for Climate and Security reports experts meet at COP24 to discuss “how big data and integrated scenario-development could help predict where (inter)national security is at risk”.
Having plundered most of Earth’s land resources already – as well as exploited the atmosphere’s ability to hold carbon dioxide and other chemicals – one of the next frontiers is the deep blue, reports place.
We have to depend on ocean resources sooner or later … there is no other way
Gidugu Ananda Ramadass, head of India’s deep sea mining project at the National Institute of Ocean Technolog
The more (natural) resources are exhausted on the continent, the more interesting marine mining will become
Lauro Julio Calliari, oceanographer at Brazil’s Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Meanwhile in France, thousands protest a (probably much needed) fossil fuel tax. At least that what the protests initially were about, but they appear to have been high jacked by a mismatch of far right movements, anarchists, and generally pissed off and violently inclined people. Perhaps Macron should just cut back on subsidies for the French oil companies instead?
Finally, UN summits and nationwide protests or no… every week has a Trump quote you can’t believe. This one is actually from the previous week, but… Trump asked the Iraqi prime minister for oil as repayment for Iraq War. #WTF