Pamela Anderson is nominated for quote of the year:
I do not think the poor should pay for climate change. Yet it is the poor who are paying the biggest price. Some say that the protesters in France protested so they could continue polluting the planet. But I do not think this is true. They protest because the rich keep destroying the planet. And the poor are paying.
Pamela Anderson to Jacobin Mag
The Yellow Vest protests were sparked by a tax on diesel. Probably a necessary measure (everything is necessary as CO2 keeps climbing), but one that hits the poorest the hardest. How about cutting down on fossil fuel subsidies instead? Well, believe it or not, that too happened as the EU effectively ended subsidies for coal from 2025.
“Today’s message is clear: this is the last call for coal … We are taking a step beyond coal and a step towards the age of renewable energy”
Florent Marcellesi to Climate Change News
While most in the West celebrated Christmas by eating meat and consuming goods for presents, bread prices tripled in Sudan. That lead to protests. “Bread riots“? Yes and no. Washington Post has an analysis.
Final note: for 2019, I’m not going to keep on with these weekly round ups. I’ll be looking for a different format. Send in your contributions and suggestions, please! Thank you to everyone who read this – including the about 70,000 hits from Russia (even though you were mostly loading defunct drupal system files, idiots).