In the book “2052,” Jorgen Randers, one of the co-authors of “Limits to Growth,” issues a progress report and makes a forecast for the next forty years. To do this, he asked dozens of experts to weigh in with their best predictions on how our economies, energy supplies, natural resources, climate, food, fisheries, militaries, political…
Am I Marxist?
No, I’m not. None the less, allow me to copy/paste some genuine Communist quotes of ecowar relevance: Labor is not the source of all wealth. Nature is just as much the source of use values (and it is surely of such that material wealth consists!) as labor, which itself is only the manifestation of a…
“Defining Peace” – talk by Zeitgeist’s Peter Joseph
The neo-guru of the Zeitgeist movement, Peter Joseph gave a good speech in Israel on 6th of February, 2012. It has been uploaded in its entirety to Youtube.A highlight at about half an hour into the speech Joseph quotes professor of history Richard A. Gabriel on the historical emergence of warfare. Joseph continues: …since that…
Jacque Fresco, Venus Project interviewed on Russia Today
“The Venus Project is an attempt to bring world peace and all the nations together. If you don’t want war, killing, [?] crime you have to redesign the way society works, you have to declare all the Earth’s resources as a common heritage of all the world’s people […] We don’t go to another country…
Truck driver busted with stolen glacier – denialism & jokes ensue
So, Chilean police have arrested a truck driver with 5 tonnes of “endangered” glacier ice. My first thoughts were of the tragic irony: poor people worsening an environmental catastrophe (glacier degradation) probably to mitigate its effects (droughts) in what affordable way they could conceive (theft in response to water supply being privatized). Then the denial…
Eco-terrorism and terrorist-journalism
Course of events: a) Animal rights activists are raided by police b) Journalist cover the case Can you guess what’s next? Probably not… c) Journalist is labelled ‘extremist’ and persecuted Can you guess the country? No, not the glorious nation of Kazakhstan. The USA. Get the facts straight for yourself: Check out Green is the…
“a paradigm shifting book with tremendous depth and scope […] a journey that ranges from the anthropological story of modern humans from paleo times, to impressive cross-sections of human history, to an overview of what seems to be all major conflicts in the past few decades. […] guarantee to galvanize even the most eco-saavy reader's…
Abusing animals for fun & covering up pollution – busy day in the US Army
Huffington Post / Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Cover-Up Hinted In Navy Letter The U.S. Navy is asking government investigators to suppress information concerning the toxic water scandal at the Marine Corps’ Camp Lejeune, according to a letter obtained Thursday by The Huffington Post. […] Government watchdogs and environmental advocates said they interpret the letter as…
Watch DIRT! The Movie
I just watched DIRT! The Movie for free at dotSUB. A really good movie about soil and the importance of a healthy biosphere of rich biodiversity. Takes a couple of detours (ie one about various spiritual connections to soil) that may seem weird depending on who you are and is quite a bit pro-organic agriculture…
Musings on optimism vs fear, innovation vs collapse
Today I happened upon this near one hour long couch talk by Geoffrey West (visit the site for audio or video). Among the themes he discuss is drawing some lines in the sand in the very long debate between Malthusian fears of over-population / over-exploitation of nature and the technological optimism that future inventions will…
The blog is now a book, long live both
Dear reader, You may already have noticed the orange graphic in the right sidebar? Yes, I have self-published a book based on this blog. And I’m literally giving it away, the price barely covers printing. What will happen to the blog now? Why self-publishing? What is up with that site? Answers in the tale…
Trouble in Kazakhstan oil city
Oil industry workers have been protesting layoffs and demanding raises. Authorities have answered with a crackdown: reports of dead and injured, mobile network and internet censored. International networks of hackers are providing dial-up internet communication just like they did in Egypt early 2011. “The protesters blocking the railway refused to leave the area and the clashes…